your Savings!
Prioritize your Goals without Overspending
Overspending alerts and savings updates
Offering insights for better Saving
Track your goals and build your budget.
Flexibility Managing your Financial Needs
Encouraging little saving habits to make a big difference
Choose Your Plan


Habit Tracker
Articles & Tips for Saving
2 Accounts
Manual Transaction Input


Habit Tracker
Articles & Tips for Saving
Unlimited Accounts
Automatic Bank Sync
Tara K

“I feel more in control of my spending. I'm able to save money & eliminate the useless expenses. I'll continue to use Cookie Jar. I am loving it."

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Dawn S

“The best part, and the relationship saver, is that you can sync the app with another person! You can track your spending together.”

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Justin W

“By far the most used app on my iPhone. It has truly been a game changer for my budgeting and tracking my household spending.”

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Alex T

“Perfect for my needs. Great app for managing simple budgets, fits exactly with how I think about budgeting. Highly recommended.”

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